EAST-IN SIG (East Coast Special Interest Group)

To form a focus group for information specialists in the East Coast/Hawkes Bay Region.
To conduct continuing education for information professionals.


Membership is open to all Librarians in the East Coast Region of the North Island.
Membership is $10 per annum.
LIANZ Membership is not a requirement, but desirable.

Membership application can be obtained from treasurer Diane Friis dfriis at eit.ac.nz
(note: all one word replace the word at with @)

Committee 2009-10

The current comittee is:

Convenor: Jenny Cutting
Secretary: Jeannie Wright
Treasurer: Diane Friis
Blog: Kim Salamonson

Committee: Sheryl Reed, Sue Fargher, Kim Salamonson, Paula Murdoch, Jennifer Cutting, Diana Cram, Pat Money, Karen Tobin, Rae Jones, Maureen Roache,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Revalidation Criteria Part 1

Revalidation Criteria
Applicants wishing to maintain their registration must record evidence of continuing professional development and practice, demonstrated by examples.
by maintaining and completing a journal over the 3 year period.

The following criteria must be met through revalidation in order to maintain the status of RLIANZA.

1.Individuals must maintain a journal that records evidence of all relevant continuing professional development activities. The would include LIANZA Conference and other LIANZA CPD Training as well as relevent training by other companies relating to the job. To achieve revalidation, these activities must include as a minimum:

a. coverage of all 11 areas of the Body of Knowledge, and
b. activity in 3 of the 4 Domain areas (please note that the 3 domain areas not have to be applied to each of the 11 Body of Knowledge elements), and
c. at least 10 activities per year for the duration of the revalidation period
d. comment on the learning outcomes of each activity undertaken.

I will look at each of these requirements in more details over the next few days.
Our Next step to look at:
The suggested journal template can be found here http://www.lianza.org.nz/registration/files/revalidation_journal_template.xls

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