EAST-IN SIG (East Coast Special Interest Group)

To form a focus group for information specialists in the East Coast/Hawkes Bay Region.
To conduct continuing education for information professionals.


Membership is open to all Librarians in the East Coast Region of the North Island.
Membership is $10 per annum.
LIANZ Membership is not a requirement, but desirable.

Membership application can be obtained from treasurer Diane Friis dfriis at eit.ac.nz
(note: all one word replace the word at with @)

Committee 2009-10

The current comittee is:

Convenor: Jenny Cutting
Secretary: Jeannie Wright
Treasurer: Diane Friis
Blog: Kim Salamonson

Committee: Sheryl Reed, Sue Fargher, Kim Salamonson, Paula Murdoch, Jennifer Cutting, Diana Cram, Pat Money, Karen Tobin, Rae Jones, Maureen Roache,

Monday, June 21, 2010

Archives New Zealand and The National Library Integration Plan

The process by which Archives New Zealand and The National Library are subsumed into the Department of Internal Affairs continues at full pace, with the release of the Integration Plan. You sometimes have to quietly appreciate management speak. Calling the process an integration seems less ominous than a merger. Maybe there is less baggage with that terminology.
The plan itself looks to be quite fast passed. I did note that implementation starts in November, so that will mean that the inevitable redundancies from the process will start at just in time for Christmas. I feel for the staff.
Read more about it here... http://www.integration.dia.govt.nz/integration.nsf/wpg_URL/Agency-Integration-Questions-and-Answers?OpenDocument

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