EAST-IN SIG (East Coast Special Interest Group)

To form a focus group for information specialists in the East Coast/Hawkes Bay Region.
To conduct continuing education for information professionals.


Membership is open to all Librarians in the East Coast Region of the North Island.
Membership is $10 per annum.
LIANZ Membership is not a requirement, but desirable.

Membership application can be obtained from treasurer Diane Friis dfriis at eit.ac.nz
(note: all one word replace the word at with @)

Committee 2009-10

The current comittee is:

Convenor: Jenny Cutting
Secretary: Jeannie Wright
Treasurer: Diane Friis
Blog: Kim Salamonson

Committee: Sheryl Reed, Sue Fargher, Kim Salamonson, Paula Murdoch, Jennifer Cutting, Diana Cram, Pat Money, Karen Tobin, Rae Jones, Maureen Roache,

Sunday, January 31, 2010

LIANZA Professional Awards

A reminder to members that LIANZA is once again calling for nominations and applications for LIANZA Professional Awards and now is the time to think about:
• Putting yourself forward to be recognised as an Associate;
• Noticing the achievements of others and support them to put themselves forward for the recognition of Associate;
• Working with others to nominate your colleagues for an award of Fellow, Letter of Recognition or a Merit Award; or
• Nominating yourself or a colleague for the NEW Award of Merit – Digital Services

The closing date for these awards is WEDNESDAY 31 MARCH 2010. Follow the links below to read the full criteria and download application forms information for each award.
An Associate of LIANZA is awarded to a personal member of the Association of 5 years who has demonstrated the knowledge, skills, judgement, attitude and commitment of a professional Librarian or Information Manager.

A fellowship is the highest level of professional attainment awarded by the Association. It is only awarded to a personal member of the Association of 10 years who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of librarianship and/or information management through a sustained record of achievements, or who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, teaching or research.

The recipient of a LIANZA Letter of Recognition is an individual or organisation who/which has rendered a significant and special service to the Association, or demonstrated continuing service over a period of time to the Association, or made an outstanding contribution to librarianship, libraries or information management New Zealand. A certificate is awarded to the successful nominee.

The recipient of the Joint Letter of Recognition for Bicultural Development within New Zealand Aotearoa is an individual, group or organization who has rendered a significant and special bicultural service to the library and information profession within New Zealand, Aotearoa, or demonstrated commitment to biculturalism over a period of time to the profession, or made an outstanding contribution bi-culturally to librarianship, libraries or information management in New Zealand. The recipient need not be a member of LIANZA. http://www.lianza.org.nz/development/awards/professional/jlorbiculturaldev.html

Awarded to personal members of the Association who has contributed in an outstanding manner to library and/or information services in the area of marketing in New Zealand. http://www.lianza.org.nz/development/awards/professional/meritmktg.html

Awarded to personal members of the Association who have contributed in an outstanding manner to library and/or information services in the area of management in New Zealand.
Awarded to a personal member of the Association who has contributed in an outstanding manner to library and/or information services in the area of digital library service development in New Zealand.

The closing date for all awards listed above is WEDNESDAY 31 MARCH 2010, if you have any questions about any of the above LIANZA Awards or to check the length of your membership please contact the LIANZA Office: office@lianza.org.nz or 04 473 5834

Applications and nominations for other LIANZA awards are also open, closing dates are below. Further communications and details will be emailed to remind you of these closing dates over coming weeks.

Monday 31 May 2010 - Edith Jessie Carnell Travelling Scholarship, Ada Fache Fund, John Harris Award, Rua Mano Award

Wednesday 30 June 2010 - 3M Award for Innovation in Libraries, YBP / Lindsay Croft Award for Collection Management, Nielsen BookData Research Award, Paul Szentirmay Special Librarianship Scholarship

For further information visit - http://www.lianza.org.nz/development/awards/index.html

Megan Button Manager

Breaking New Tauranga Library to impose charegs on books

The Public Service Association is alarmed that the Tauranga City Council is proposing to charge a 50 cent fee to adults borrowing books from its public libraries.

“Public libraries have a proud and long standing history of providing books and other information to the public free of charge,” says Public Service Association national secretary Brenda Pilott.

“We oppose any move that undermines the principle that public libraries and their services are free and accessible to all members of the public.”

“New Zealanders value their public libraries because they’re free and accessible and this is reflected in their high usage.”

“Libraries play an essential role in enhancing literacy and providing information that support our education system and our democracy.”

“Charging a fee to borrow books will restrict access to that literature and information undermining these two key elements of our society,” says Brenda Pilott.

This was shown by the fact the number of books issued by Ashburton's library dropped when a $1 charge was placed on borrowing books less than two years old. This was why Ashburton axed the charge.

“We hope the Tauranga City Council looks at the Ashburton experience and withdraws its proposal to charge adults a fee for borrowing books from Tauranga’s public libraries,”
says Brenda Pilott.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Future Perfect : Digital Continuity Conference

Future Perfect : Digital Continuity Conference
Wellington, New Zealand

Monday 3 – Wednesday 5 May 2010

Workshops: Archives New Zealand, 10 Mulgrave Street, Wellington.Conference: The Wellington Convention Centre, CBD, Wellington.BarCamp: Mac's Brewery Bar, 4 Taranaki Street, Wellington.
Archives New Zealand is pleased to announce the Southern Hemisphere's premier conference dedicated to the theme of digital continuity, preservation and long-term public sector information issues. This is an exciting opportunity for all information professionals impacted by the emerging information risk and longevity issues, or those who just wish to find out more. These escalating digital challenges will impact on all of our lives both personally and in our workplaces. Come along to hear what the key issues are, and who is developing answers both globally and locally.The Future Perfect 2010 conference will feature internationally renowned experts from Australasia, North America and Europe presenting on a range of aspects in the digital preservation and information continuity fields.While we have some of the world’s leading digital preservation experts in New Zealand we will also be taking the opportunity to deliver workshops and master-classes. The conference also includes a BarCamp 'unconference' day with a more technical outlook.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Google Image Swirl image functionality searching

Search interfacesGoogle Labs is trialling Image Swirl which adds an "images related to this one" functionality to their image search in a lovely visual way.

NZ Content on Wikipedia (media)

New Zealand: Digital Forum Goes GLAM on Digital Collaboration
From the Article:
The vice-president of Wikimedia Australia, Liam Wyatt, told the forum the often-criticised comparative rarity of Australia/New Zealand content in Wikipedia can be attributed in part to over-zealous protection of copyright in this part of the world.
Wikipedia/Wikimedia’s open standards dictate that it can’t use anything that cannot be licensed for general reuse. Much New Zealand’s content is more tightly restricted than that, he says.
Wyatt outlined some of the positive collaborations Wikimedia has set up with conventional museums, libraries and archives, which shows an encouraging change of attitude internationally to open licensing of content.
Museums, libraries and art galleries are already primes sites for public social interaction with information. With computing and the internet taking on an ever more personal and social face, the fields are converging in interesting ways.
Angelina Russo, from Swinburne University, Melbourne, researches technology’s role in the design of the public interface of GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) institutions. She had high praise for the colossal squid exhibit at Te Papa, where the conference was held.
Source: Computerworld Australia

LIANZA Conference 2010

Linda Geddes is 2010 Conference Convenor. It'll be the centennial conference (first NZ library conference was 26th-28th March 1910) - aim to create a historic event. Video prepared with welcome message from Dunedin Mayor, apparently not realising that librarians can party to rival the Undie 500 delegates. :-)Theme will be "At the Edge - Te Matakāheru" 28 November - 1 December in Dunedin, at the University of Otago.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Usability testing tool - possibilities...

UsabilityInfomaki: An Open Source, Lightweight Usability Testing Tool describes a tool developed by New York Public Library to spread the usability testing load among visitors to their website - visitors are asked if they want to answer a single question; if not, they're not bothered again; if they do answer it they're given the option to answer another one. Because it's not asking much of an investment in time a lot of people will do it, and then because it's so easy a lot will answer more than one: "In just over seven months of use, it has fielded over 100,000 responses from over 10,000 respondents."

Office of Fil & Literature Classification - newsletter

Newsletters and Lianza
The Office works to develop and maintain relationships with libraries around New Zealand in order to ensure the classification information needs of librarians are being met. In order to do this, the Information Unit regularly corresponds with libraries and distributes information in various ways.
Every 2 months the Office sends out a newsletter to libraries via email. This newsletter highlights current news and issues from the Office relevant to libraries. Recent newsletters have covered the new label posters produced by the Office, box sets of DVDs and labelling of children's books accompanied by DVDs. If you would like to receive this newsletter contact the Information Unit.
December libraries newsletter (pdf v9.0, 282 kb)Classified Books from 1963 to 30 November 2009 (Excel 86 kb)
For archived newsletters look here.
Since 2005 the Office has attended the annual Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa conference. Members of the Information Unit run a stand offering information relevant to librarians, answer questions, and give advice about censorship and classification issues.
The 2009 LIANZA conference at the Christchurch Convention Centre in October was a great success for the Office and we look forward to attending future events. The following information sheets were specifically created for the latest conference and are now available to download as PDFs:
Key Information for Librarians (pdf v9.0, 218 kb)Graphic Novels Information Sheet (pdf v9.0, 217 kb)
You can also download our flowchart about Labelling restricted books, comics, graphic novels and magazines. (PDF, v9.0, 432kb)