EAST-IN SIG (East Coast Special Interest Group)

To form a focus group for information specialists in the East Coast/Hawkes Bay Region.
To conduct continuing education for information professionals.


Membership is open to all Librarians in the East Coast Region of the North Island.
Membership is $10 per annum.
LIANZ Membership is not a requirement, but desirable.

Membership application can be obtained from treasurer Diane Friis dfriis at eit.ac.nz
(note: all one word replace the word at with @)

Committee 2009-10

The current comittee is:

Convenor: Jenny Cutting
Secretary: Jeannie Wright
Treasurer: Diane Friis
Blog: Kim Salamonson

Committee: Sheryl Reed, Sue Fargher, Kim Salamonson, Paula Murdoch, Jennifer Cutting, Diana Cram, Pat Money, Karen Tobin, Rae Jones, Maureen Roache,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

LIANZA Discussion Document with Heather Lamond Ikaroa Regional Councillor

LIANZA Councillor for the Ikaroa Region, Heather Lamond, will be speaking about the recently-released discussion document on the reorganisation of the LIANZA Council at the:
Hastings Library
Wednesday 10 June at 6pm
Hastings Library.
Drinks and nibbles will be served from 5.30pm.

RSVP to: paulam@hdc.govt.nz

To read the discussion papers:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Welcome Back Diane Friis as our new Treasurer

Its with great pleasure we welcome Diane Friis back as our new Treasurer and Committee Member.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Revalidation of Professional Registration

How are we going with our revalidation Journals? If you would like any help you can ask via the IKAROA Blog or email Heather Lamond
Email: Heather Lamond - h.m.lamond@massey.ac.nz
Alternatively we could form RIG that is a Revalidation Interest Group. We could get together informally or formally.
Ideas feedback to: Kims@hdc.govt.nz


From Heather for those of you interesting in adding a post to the Ikaroa Blog

How to post to the blog
The easiest way to post to the blog is to send your post text to one of the following committee members:
Judi Kercher - j.y.kercher@massey.ac.nz
Jane Brooker - j.e.brooker@massey.ac.nz
Heather Lamond - h.m.lamond@massey.ac.nz
We will then place your post on the blog. Comments are open to all, you should not need to be logged in. Although anonymous comments will be fine, it is really nice to know who we're corresponding with :-)

LIANZA Conference 2009

The LIANZA 2009 Conference Committee invites the submission of abstracts for this year's conference at the Christchurch Convention Centre, October 12-14. Our theme this year is "he tangata, he tangata, he tangata", and we are looking for contributions that celebrate the importance of people, both within and outside our profession. The Conference will "Acknowledge the past, Embrace the present, and Advance the Future". In 2009 we are encouraging participation from all parts of our profession:debate, and contribute to our collective future.
Please visit the call for abstracts: http://www.lianza.org.nz/events/conference2009/abstracts.html for more detailsDeadline for abstract submission - 22 May 2009

Check out the Conference Blog
The 2009 Conference blog is chock full of interesting posts. This is your place to go for up to the minute information, and to get your thoughts out there!http://lianza2009.wordpress.com/

Facebook - Conference 2009 is also on Facebook – search for LIANZA Conference 2009 after signing up on http://www.facebook.com

LIANZA Governance Paper

Hi all Here are the links to these papers, one on LIANZA Governance, and one on LIANZA Institutional Membership http://www.lianza.org.nz/library/files/store_022/LIANZA_Governance_Proposal.pdf
Each of the papers has a series of questions for you to consider and to which you may wish to contribute feedback. Lianza will be running a survey from the Monday 8th June to Tuesday 6th July using Survey Monkey and you will be sent the link to this survey on the 8th June. In the meantime Heather is planning for a series of meetings in the Region to discuss these proposals, so keep an eye out for the notices about the dates of meetings in your area.Once you have read the papers we would encourage you to attend your regional meeting for discussion and clarification of the proposals. We would appreciate any formal feedback you have on the proposals to be expressed using the survey to enable us to manage and analyse the responses.